Founded by
Dr. Wolf Funfack, MD from Germany
Dedicated his life to the research and treatment of obesity and diet related diseases.
Silvia Bürkle
A Food Technologist. During her time in the food industry, she soon understood the relationship between supermarket foods an poor nutrition.
Birgit Funfack
A qualified naturopath and is the interface between medicine and technology.
How it works
- 36 analyzed blood values and parameters that provide precise information on:
Your health status
Potential metabolic disorders
Deficiencies in vital substances and associated metabolism blockages
The blood analysis, combined with your personal data and food preferences, are the basis of your personalized Metabolic Balance nutrition plan.
- 8 Metabolic Balance Rules to follow everyday
- 4 Metabolic Balance Phases:
Phase 1 - The Relief Phase
Phase 2 - Strict Phase
Phase 3 - Relaxed Changeover Phase
Phase 4 - The Maintenance Phase
Simple, safe, healthy and long-term weight loss​
Significantly improved performance, greater zest for life, increased vitality​
Sustainable support in changing eating habits in case of civilization diseases​
Detox your body naturally with whole food
Manage your weight efficiently ​
Provides a better complexion and a radiant appearance​
Supports healthy digestion​
Can have a positive effect on mobility
Stay fit and young into your senior years
The program is suitable for you if:
You want to feel healthy and have a healthy looking physic​
You have tried everything to lose weight yet you haven’t lost any​
You are struggling to maintain a healthy weight
You have insulin resistance (high midsection/belly fat)
You have high blood pressure
You have high cholesterol
You have PCOS
You can’t get pregnant
You have arthritis
You lack libido
You have inflammation, aches, and pains
You want to age gracefully and pain free
The program is not suitable for:
Pregnancy - if you became pregnant during the program, you must stop the program and can continue after the pregnancy
Nursing mothers
Pure vegans
Individuals with severe liver or kidney failure
Individuals with a body mass index (BMI) of less than, or equal to 18
Children under the age of eight ​
Study Results:
Evaluation of health and quality of life by Metabolic Balance participants:
before Metabolic Balance
12 months later
Are satisfied with their health and quality of life.
Health and quality of life are restricted.
Health and quality of life are severely restricted.
1-1 Coaching
Comprehensive Medical Blood Lab Testing​
Individualized Metabolic Balance Meal Plan
One 60 min consultation session combined with body measurements
Two 30 min follow up sessions
Unlimited email support
Metabolic Balance phone app
Individualized fitness phone app:
Messaging system directly linked to me
Track your fitness progress (progress photos, body stats, and more
Track your own fitness activities
and/or follow a training workout (if you're training with me - NOT INCLUDED IN THE PRICE)
Link the app to your fitness tracking devices
and much more
Individualized general supplements recommendations. ​
Please note after 3 months, the individualized fitness app will be ​a monthly membership of $25 per month which includes unlimited coaching support.
You can cancel the app anytime.
Cost if paid in FULL $1199 + tax
Payment Plan
Deposit of $499 + tax
2 payments of $449 + tax
Full amount is paid within 3 months after signing the contract